Pentecost 2021
CUIC has prepared these resources for congregational use in this year’s Pentecostal season. In this season of Pentecost, once again, God is empowering Christians who have experienced a new life through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus by reminding them of the Holy Spirit. As Christians everywhere prepare to celebrate receiving the Holy Spirit who challenges Christ’s Church to go beyond its boundaries bringing a new understanding of life, the CUIC is offering the following ecumenical resources for your use.
Rev. Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes, Union Theological Seminary, New York.
Rev. Dr. Youngsook Charlene Kang, United Methodist Church
An Overview of Pentecost with Rev. Claudio Carvalhaes
A Story of Pentecost with Rev. Claudio Carvalhaes
A Story of Pentecost with Rev. Dr. Youngsook Charlene Kang