Pentecost 2021 Bios
Rev. Claudio Carvalhaes, PhD
Rev. Claudio Carvalhaes, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Worship at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He is a much sought-after theologian, liturgist and artist, who earned his first Master’s degree from Methodist University in his home city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He earned a second Master’s degree at Independent Presbyterian Theological Seminary also in Sao Paulo. He earned his Ph.D. at Union Theological Seminary, and after teaching awhile at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary in Kentucky, joined the teaching staff at there in 2016. He has preached at the Festival of Homiletics, the Academy of Homiletics, the Wild Goose Festival, the Proctor Institute, and several other global events. His two books in English are “What Does Worship Have to Do with It? Interpreting Life, Church and the World Liturgically (Cascade Books, 2018) and “Eucharist and Globalization: Redrawing the Borders of Eucharistic Hospitality (Wipf & Stock, 2013). He is also the editor of “Liturgies from Below: Prayers from People at the Ends of the Word” (Abingdon, 2020). He is married with Katie Perella and has three children. He can be reached through his website:
Rev. Dr. Youngsook Charlene Kang
Rev. Dr. Youngsook Charlene Kang is an ordained United Methodist minister who served congregations in Colorado and worked as an executive for the United Methodist global mission agency and a regional judicatory leader in the Rocky Mountain region. As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) she works with congregational leaders, pastors and denominational leaders.